Illinois Scientists to Test Modernized Genetic Model for Optimized Crop Breeding

NSF awards $795,000 to a collaborative effort led by CDA affiliate Alex Lipka that investigate new theories on how genetics influence complex crop traits, such as yield or grain quality over four years.
Meet Christina Tucker

As CDA’s Director of Operations and Associate Director of Education, Christina brings over a decade of experience and expertise to the table, helping us continue transforming how we feed and support a growing global population. Learn more about Christina in this interview.
WHO WE ARE The Center for Digital Agriculture (CDA) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was formed to help agricultural producers, researchers, and industries keep pace with the ways technology is transforming how we feed and support a growing global population. Increased global productivity and sustainability requires technical innovations that involve CDA’s primary themes: Automation, Data, […]
Illinois Autonomous Farm Workshop
Mark your calendars! The Illinois Autonomous Farm (IAF) is hosting an in-person workshop on July 7th from 8:00am-5:00pm at the Illinois Autonomous Farm (3603 S Race St., Urbana, Illinois 61802) with a social event following at Big Grove Tavern. The workshop will also have a Zoom available during the presentation times for those who cannot […]
Can machine learning, artificial intelligence and advanced computing help to make farming more efficient? The COALESCE (COntext Aware LEarning for Sustainable CybEr-agriculture systems) initiative, a $7 million project funded via the National Science Foundation’s Cyber Physical Systems program and the US Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture, seeks to combine all of these domains for agricultural benefit. […]
Girish Chowdhary Awared with Paul Funk Faculty Award for Excellence in Research
Center for Digital Agriculture faculty affiliate, Chief Scientist for the Illinois Autonomous Farm, and AIFARMS Thrust 1 lead, Dr. Girish Chowdhary has won the 2021 Paul Funk Faculty Award for Excellence in Research from the Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. “I am greatly honored and humbled to receive this award,” said Chowdhary. […]
USDA’s Agricultural Research Service Honors Scientists of the Year
The Center for Digital Agriculture faculty affiliate Dr. Lisa Ainsworth was awarded the USDA’s Distinguished Senior Research Scientist of the year for 2021. Ainsworth, research leader for the ARS Global Change and Photosynthesis Research Unit in Urbana. Her work influenced the direction of climate change impact assessment. Read more here on Dr. Lisa Ainsworth award.
Dr. Vikram Adve Guest on Depth Charge Podcast
The Center for Digital Agriculture co-director and AIFARMS PI Dr. Vikram Adve was a guest on the Depth Charge Podcast talking about AI in Agriculture, Next Gen Farms and LLVM. Check it out:
Purely on the Promise That We Could Do Great Things
“The Center for Digital Agriculture is helping researchers, educators, farmers, and industry keep pace with enormous changes to the world’s food systems.” The Grainger College of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign went on a tour of the Illinois Autonomous Farm last October an gave a picture perfect review of the farm; as […]
University of Illinois precision agriculture program to debut summer 2021
The College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois has been gifted more than $195,000 in funding from the CHS Foundation, to provide high school students age 16 and up and first-year students at the University of Illinois. Starting in July, students can enroll in a free two-week summer course to learn the fundamentals of […]